See My Art, Inc Annual Membership Meeting
The See My Art, Inc. (SMART) will hold its Annual Members Meeting Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Cable Community Center, Hwy M, Cable, WI. All current and past SMART members as well as the general public are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
The SMART Annual Meeting agenda will include reports on the past year’s See My Art activities, financial report and future activity planning. Members and the general public will be encouraged to join in the discussions about the organization and its future advocacy for arts and those with all abilities.

SMART Artist Karen Weingarten’s “Celebrate” original painting and note card
See My Art, Inc. (SMART) is a 501-C3 non-profit organization that inspires, empowers, validates and supports people with all abilities through art. Celebrating ten years as a not for profit advocacy group, SMART has developed local venues as well as an online gallery for displaying art by individuals with special needs.
Following our Vision Statement: Opening doors and minds through art for those with all abilities, our mission is focused on: Using art to empower and inspire. Through its programs and activities SMART artists are provided avenues for personal expression, social empowerment and independence within our communities.
For more information on SMART, to become a member, make a donation, volunteer, visit artist galleries, and find local artist display galleries visit us online at . Stay up to date on SMART artists and activities by liking our Facebook page at